Ascensia Diabetes Care And Its Workers Excited To Help Spare A Rose Marketing campaign For The Fourth Consecutive 12 months


The Spare a Rose campaign encourages people to donate that $ 5 Cost of every rose they would have given someone to live for a child on Valentine’s Day. Life for a Child believes that no child should die of diabetes, and this campaign is critical to achieving that goal. The funds raised from the campaign will enable the charity to work with diabetes centers in countries such as: Mauritania, Jamaica and India Provide critical supplies, including insulin and testing supplies, and much-needed diabetes education. Everyone 5 dollars This corresponds to a monthly insulin supply for a young person. The program currently supports over 22,000 young people in 43 countries.

Ascensia is committed to increasing employee donations to a maximum of one rose for every 1,700 company employees. So far, Ascensia and its employees have donated together $ 40,000 Save A Rose, which makes it the biggest supporter of this campaign to date. This donation equates to a life-saving insulin supply for almost 670 children per year who could not turn to anywhere else.

Rob Schumm, President of Ascensia Diabetes Care, stated, “As people around the world buy flowers and cards for loved ones this Valentine’s Day, many of our employees will instead donate to the Spare A Rose campaign. This is testament to how many employees at Ascensia are passionate about improving the lives of people with diabetes, both professionally and personally? ”

DR. Graham Ogle, General Manager of Life for Child, stated the importance of companies supporting Spare a Rose: “The tremendous efforts of Ascensia employees have made a huge impact on our ability to save the lives of children with diabetes around the world Lots of Children In countries with fewer resources, we are on a tightrope walk with their diabetes management and often do not have the basic services to keep them alive. The generous employee donations and corporate customizations we have received from Ascensia keep us in able to provide essential tools and training to enable more children to have access to the care they need for their diabetes. “

Rob continued, “We are proud to be an enthusiastic supporter of this rewarding campaign, which not only raises funds for insulin and testing equipment, but above all helps to highlight the plight of many children with diabetes in countries where they do not the case is access to these vital goods. The work of life for one child is literally saving the lives of children around the world and I appeal to more people to donate so we can make a difference together. ”

Donations for Spare a Rose can be made at

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SOURCE Ascensia Diabetes Care

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