Certain Indicators You Could Be Getting Diabetes, Says CDC


There are three main types of diabetes:Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational diabetes (Diabetes During Pregnancy) – And Knowing What Its Signs Can Save Your Life. “Diabetes is a chronic (long-term) health condition that affects how your body converts food into energy,” says the CDC. “If you have any of the following diabetes symptoms, see your doctor for a blood sugar test.” Read on to see if the CDC says you have one of these– And to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss this urgent news: This is how you can catch COVID even if you are vaccinated.

Door handle open to toilet can see toilet

“Excessive thirst and urination are common signs and symptoms of diabetes. When you have diabetes, excess glucose – a type of sugar – builds up in your blood,” he says Mayo Clinic. “Your kidneys are forced to work overtime to filter and absorb the excess glucose.”



“Increased thirst in people with diabetes can sometimes, but certainly not always, be an indication of higher than normal blood sugar levels,” he says Diabetes.co.uk. “People with diabetes who have access to blood glucose meters may want to test their blood sugar levels when they are thirsty to see if their blood sugar levels are too high.”

Male feet on glass scales, male diet, body weight, close-up, man stepping on scales

Male feet on glass scales, male diet, body weight, close-up, man stepping on scales

“Insulin is a hormone that allows your body to use glucose (sugar) for energy,” explains the Cleveland Clinic. “If you have Type 2 diabetesYour body doesn’t use insulin effectively and can’t deliver the glucose to the cells. Instead, it builds up in the blood.

When the glucose isn’t getting into your cells, your body thinks it’s starving and finds a way to make up for it. It creates energy by burning fat and muscle quickly. This leads to unexplained weight loss. “

African woman eating a piece of cake near the open refrigerator

African woman eating a piece of cake near the open refrigerator

“In uncontrolled diabetes, in which blood sugar levels remain unusually high (hyperglycemia), glucose in the blood cannot get into cells – either because of a lack of insulin or insulin resistance – so the body does not convert the food you eat into energy Lack of energy can lead to an increase in hunger, “explains Diabetes.co.uk.

The story goes on

Woman over white with blurred vision and difficulty focusing

Woman over white with blurred vision and difficulty focusing

“There are many things that can cause eye strain and blurred vision, such as spending a lot of time in front of a screen,” said Saus UCLA health. “But blurred vision is also a common warning sign of diabetes. If diabetes is not detected early or treated properly, it can damage the small blood vessels in the retina – a layer of light-sensitive tissue in the back of the eye that is used to send visual signals to the brain. This.” A condition called retinopathy can lead to blindness. “

Middle aged woman suffering from leg pain at home close up

Middle aged woman suffering from leg pain at home close up

“Diabetic neuropathy most commonly damages the nerves in the legs and feet,” says the Mayo Clinic. “Depending on the nerves affected, diabetic neuropathy symptoms can range from pain and numbness in your legs and feet to problems with your digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels, and heart. Some people have mild symptoms.”

Woman lying on the sofa with a fever

Woman lying on the sofa with a fever

“Many people with diabetes will sometimes feel tired, sluggish, or tired. This can be due to stress, hard work or a lack of adequate sleep, but it can also be due to high or low blood glucose levels,” says Diabetes.co.uk .

Woman scratches her arm.

Woman scratches her arm.

“If you have diabetes, you are more likely to have dry skin. High blood sugar (glucose) can cause this. If you have a skin infection or poor blood circulation, these can also contribute to dry, itchy skin,” he says American Academy of Dermatology Association.

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Woman is worried about her skin

Woman is worried about her skin

“Diabetes can affect any part of the body, including the skin. In fact, such problems are sometimes the first sign that a person has diabetes,” he said American Diabetes Association. Fortunately, most skin conditions can be prevented or easily treated if detected early. Some of these problems are skin conditions that anyone can have, but people with diabetes get easier. These include bacterial infections, fungal infections, and itchiness. Other skin problems are most common or only for people with diabetes. These include diabetic dermopathy, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, diabetic blisters and eruptive xanthomatosis. “

Woman hardly coughs at home

Woman hardly coughs at home

“High blood sugar levels can weaken a person’s immune system,” reports APIC. “People with long history of diabetes may have peripheral nerve damage and decreased blood flow to their extremities, which increases the chances of infection. The high levels of sugar in the blood and tissues allow bacteria to grow and infections develop faster.”

Abnormally high lipid profile and blood glucose test results from the blood sample tube

Abnormally high lipid profile and blood glucose test results from the blood sample tube

Before reaching any conclusion, consult with your doctor to discuss whether or not you have signs of diabetes. You can then do a blood sugar test and create a treatment plan. “There’s still no cure for diabetes, but losing weight, eating healthy, and being active can really help,” says the CDC. “Take medicine as needed, get Education and support in the area of ​​diabetes self-managementKeeping health appointments can also lessen the impact diabetes has on your life. “And for the healthiest way out of this pandemic, you shouldn’t miss this one 35 Places Most Likely to Catch COVID.