Collard Greens Vitamin, Advantages, Recipes, and Extra


Collard greens aren’t just a delicious staple from the south. They also have hella health benefits. We have the yummy deets as well as some yummy tips for cooking these greens.

Here is the ultimate rundown of the nutritional benefits of collard greens. For comparison, we’ve also included information on kale and beet greens.

One cup contains:

Collard greens have some pretty health benefits. That’s the deal.

Cancer risk

Cruciferous vegetables like Collard Greens contain compounds called glucosinolates that can lower the risk of certain types of cancer, including:

Increasing your total intake of vegetables and fruits is a smart way to improve your overall health and may protect against certain types of cancer, including breast cancer.

Digestive System Health

One cup of cooked collards contains about 5.59 grams of fiber. This can help you achieve the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDI) of 22 to 28 grams for women and 28 to 34 grams for men.

The hefty amount of fiber can also cause your poop to pop. Fiber will help you maintain a healthy digestive tract and promote regularity. đź’©

Diabetes management

Fiber doesn’t just keep your poop updated. It can also benefit people with diabetes.

A 2014 study found that high fiber intake can lower glucose levels and reduce inflammation in people with type 1 diabetes. It can also help people with type 2 diabetes maintain healthy levels of blood sugar, lipids, and insulin.

Liver health

Collard greens contain glucosinolates, which can help protect your liver by providing anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting benefits.

But wait – there is more! A 2013 study found that consuming collards improved liver function in rats with high blood pressure. But we need more human research to prove this.

Bone health

Collard greens are a killer source of vitamin K. This essential nutrient improves calcium absorption and can reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

Adult women need 90 micrograms of vitamin K per day and adult men 120 micrograms. One cup of cooked collards contains 609 micrograms of vitamin K, so you are pushing way past the FEI.

Mental health

Collards contain a mixture of compounds that can benefit your mental health:

  • Magnesium. This important mineral is necessary for a healthy stress response.
  • Choline. This essential nutrient is involved in many important processes including mood regulation, brain function, and memory.
  • Folic acid. Getting enough folic acid in your diet is important for brain function. Some studies have shown that people with depression tend to have less folic acid than people without depression.

Hair and skin health

Collards can help your hair health reach new heights. These greens are loaded with vital vitamins and nutrients that will benefit your hair and nails:

  • Beta carotene Keeps your luscious locks hydrated, boosts your immune system, and supports tissue growth.
  • vitamin C helps you build and maintain collagen, which is 10/10 important for skin and hair health.
  • iron A mix of animal and vegetable sources like collards can help reduce the risk of iron deficiency anemia, which can lead to hair loss. Add a pinch of vitamin C-rich lemon juice to increase the iron availability of collards.

Collard greens are versatile AF. You can use them in:

They are also fantastic when served on their own and can be fried, braised, or boiled.

Southern Classic Collard Greens

Here is a fan favorite.


  • 1 large ham ankle (your butcher can connect you to one)
  • 2 pounds of collard greens (about 10 cups), cut into 2-inch slices
  • 1/2 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of bacon fat or lard
  • 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon paprika


  1. Rinse the ham well, then transfer to a large saucepan.
  2. Fill the pot with enough water to completely submerge the ham ankle.
  3. Cover and cook over medium heat for about 45 minutes or until tender.
  4. Add greens to the pot.
  5. Add water until the green is almost covered.
  6. Add all the remaining ingredients.
  7. Cover and cook over low to medium heat for at least 2 hours.

Pro tip: don’t be afraid to get creative. Let your spice style shine!

Green juice

Raw collards have a pretty strong taste. But with juice, you can get all of the nutritional benefits without the bitter taste.


  • 6 cups of Collard Greens
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1/2 cup cilantro
  • 1 piece of ginger


  1. Put all ingredients in a juicer.
  2. Juice them!
  3. Enjoy as soon as possible.

Pro tip: add a piece of turmeric to improve taste and health.

Collard chips

Move over, kale chips! There’s a new crispy sheriff in town 🤠.


  • 6 cups of cabbage leaves, cleaned and removed from the stems
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt (to taste)


  1. Preheat the oven to approx. 120 ° C.
  2. Throw collards in oil.
  3. Cover a sheet pan with parchment paper.
  4. Spread collards on the sheet.
  5. Sprinkle with sea salt.
  6. Bake for 15 to 30 minutes until crispy.

Pro tip: You can sprinkle the finished product with the spices of your choice.

Most people can enjoy collards as part of a nutritious, balanced diet. However, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Keep it clean

Always double or triple wash your greens before you start cooking. This will reduce the risk of consuming unwanted bacteria that could make you sick.

You can keep collards raw in your refrigerator for about 5 days. Just don’t eat them when they’re withered or slimy – these are signs that they’re spoiled.

Blood clots

Collards are high in vitamin K, a nutrient that plays a role in blood clotting. So if you are taking a blood thinner (like warfarin or Coumadin) you should be careful about consuming tons of collards. It is recommended that people taking blood thinners keep their vitamin K intake constant.

Poop PPE

Bloating, killing, and pooping are common side effects of sudden spikes in fiber. If you haven’t eaten a lot of greens, it may take some time for your body to get used to the roughage.

Collard greens are a type of crucifer with great health potential. They’re also super versatile and can be added to many of your favorite recipes.

Just make sure you speak to your doctor before making any major changes to your diet, especially if you are on medication or have any health issues that may be affected.