Diabetes impacts women and men otherwise: Every part you should know


According to the International Diabetes Federation, there are currently 42.5 million people worldwide with diabetes. The number is expected to increase to 62.9 crores by 2045. We all know that diabetes can affect us in several ways. But the surprising thing is that the disease affects men and women differently, and here’s how.

This difference is mainly based on hormones, lifestyle habits, the occurrence of complications, seriousness to treatment, diet, stress, the environment and much more. Here in this article, you will learn how diabetes affects men and women differently.

How does diabetes affect women?

While taking care of other family members, women often ignore their health, which makes it difficult for women to control their blood sugar levels.

According to studies, women with diabetes are four times more likely to have heart disease than men. Women are also at risk for other diabetes-related complications such as blindness, kidney disease, and depression, according to studies.

It has been found that when dealing with diabetes, women often experience double depression compared to men. This may be because women perceive this as an added burden between their family responsibilities and their careers.

Diabetes during pregnancy, also known as gestational diabetes, can be complicated for both mother and child. Women with type 1 diabetes have an eating disorder that does not occur in men.

How does diabetes affect men?

A majority of men go undetected compared to women because they avoid seeing doctors. Men don’t like to accept that they are sick.

It has been found that both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are more common in men than women, meaning that more men have diabetes compared to women.

It has also been found that diabetes directly affects men’s sexual health and can even lead to erectile dysfunction if not treated in a timely manner. Some other complications are:

– Diabetes can lead to an overactive bladder (frequent urination).

– Male incontinence (leaking urine)

– Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

But the good thing is that all of these complications are easily managed with appropriate medication and simple lifestyle changes.

Although diabetes affects both sexes differently, it only needs to be done to consult a doctor and make simple lifestyle changes to manage the disease.