Diabetic Outreach Minister Shares the Gospel of Good Diet


Legger and Izetta Thompson have a mission to spread their faith and the gospel of good nutrition. (Community Medical Centers)

After Legger Thompson lowered his blood sugar drastically enough to stop his diabetes medication just a year after being diagnosed, he is on a mission to help others do the same – or prevent diabetes altogether. He and his wife, Izetta Thompson, use the ministry of public relations they founded, the LIT ministry, to spread not only their Christian faith, but also the gospel of good nutrition.

The Fresno charter bus driver credits the Community Diabetes Education Center with providing education. “When I got the call to come to the diabetes clinics and sit and study … life changed,” says Legger. “My wife was really adamant about what to eat, but I didn’t believe her until I got to the center.”

Last year, more than 1,600 patients in a five-county area were educated about healthy eating habits and ways to better control their diabetes. Graduates of the program lowered their A1C levels – a measure of blood sugar levels over a 3-month period – by an average of 1.6% and reduced their risk of diabetes complications by 34%.

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