It’s cold and flu season so we need to keep our immune systems working optimally.
There are some very basic things that help us do this. Follow these basic principles and keep yourself healthy as the temperature drops.
- Hydration – Adequate hydration and humidity in our living and working environment keep our mucous membranes and skin moist and more resistant to intruders. Aim for half your body weight in ounces for your minimum water intake, probably more this time of year. Caffeinated drinks don’t count. Also try to keep the humidity in your home / workplace at a good level.
- sugar – Too much sugar lowers our immune system by up to 40%. If we want a sweet treat, eat it right after a meal that contains protein and healthy fats so that everything is metabolized together. Dessert can be fruit … it doesn’t always have to be biscuits or pastries!
- Vitamin D – We can’t put much emphasis on that! Safe sun exposure is hard to come by in Naperville, so try to eat foods that are good sources of vitamin D: tuna, salmon, cod, and trout are sources of fish (wild-caught preferably), and eggs and mushrooms are also good sources, because good. Other foods such as milk or cereals are fortified with Vit D, but not of that high quality. We will most likely have to replenish in winter. Choose a high quality D3 supplement that also contains vitamin K2. Ask your doctor about your blood level, which should be at least 50 ng / ml, preferably close to 80 ng / ml.
- fruit and vegetables – these provide a variety of nutrients and fiber to keep our intestines healthy, which is where 70% of our immune system comes from.
- Pre- and probiotics – Apple cider vinegar, onions, and kefir are good sources.
Sleep – at least 7 hours a night for adequate rest.
Follow these basics to help fend off anything that awaits you this winter.