Lifted lockdown restrictions raise weights for health fanatics – Golden Gate Xpress


Gyms have been closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but fitness enthusiasts are trying their best to achieve their goals

On January 25th, Mayor of London was Breed announced With San Francisco reopening due to the current stable pandemic, restaurants and gyms in the city will be able to operate outdoors according to city regulations. The decision made a lot of fitness people extremely excited.

Since indoor fitness studios with various machines are closed, people and fitness enthusiasts have also lost the opportunity to exercise all around. On the other hand, the pandemic may have fundamentally changed What fitness looks like in the Bay Area.

David Silvestre has been a bodybuilder for fifteen years. He works out on fitness equipment at Crunch Fitness’ outdoor gym in Daly City. As a person who works out consistently, Silvestre shared how he found ways to be active even though the gyms were closed while ordering at home.

“You have to, you have to do what’s best for you after you shut down, jogging outdoors or whatever,” Silvestre said. “As long as you’re busy. As for exercising, jogging … any movement you can do. “

Samuel Lopez is a new fitness enthusiast who encountered obstacles in his first year of training when the gyms closed in order to stay consistent.

“While COVID-19 is a tough thing, there are so many things holding you back like you were sitting at home all day,” Lopez said of what kept him motivated. “Like you’ve got to set a goal and that gets me through this closed time at the gym.”

Lopez also shared his thoughts on reopening outdoor gyms.

“I mean, it kind of sucks, but it made sense why they turned it off because everyone is touching everything when they workout in the gym“Lopez added.” And they are overloaded and everyone is right next to each other. I like the idea that the gyms are open again. They have developed safe practices to ensure that everything is well and everything is clean. You can still do a lot of things outside. ”

San Francisco has established conditions and requirements for opening a gym or health center on its website, and not every such facility can meet these conditions. The most fundamental of these is to have a large enough outdoor space for fitness equipment and capacity.

As these city-set conditions are very specific, Crunch Fitness, which has the largest outdoor gym among a very limited selection of gyms in the region, has been able to continue operating by occupying half of the first floor of the Serramonte Center car park Facility.

Crunch Fitness membership director Giankarlo Alvarado sits at the entrance to the outdoor gym, checking every member who walks into the parking lot for movement.

“We are grateful for the mall which allows us to work especially in these circumstances and the members love it and enjoy it“Said Alvarado.” The fact is, however, the gyms around us are closed. This gym is obviously the only thing that is open and we can have seen a lot of people. “

Alvarado also expressed the important role that outdoor gyms play for people and gym workers during the pandemic.

“We try to use up as much equipment as possible with the space we have, and we have at least 70% of our equipment that is normally inside out here“Alvarado said.” So we’re seen as an essential workforce. We can help people’s mental and physical health, right. And the state recognizes that. So we want to make sure they are still having fun and achieving their physical goals , especially in these tough times, so it’s a very positive impact we’re having, especially in this community.