Lincoln HS alumni launches health app throughout pandemic | Information


PORTLAND, OR (KPTV) – New metrics in Oregon’s state allow gyms to reopen in limited capacity to gym owners in the area after a year of great unknown.

From Lincoln High School 2006 class to seven years in the Air Force Combat Engineer, Sam Johnson said he learned a lot about training. He teaches you how to build solid habits in new ways.

“Whether it’s a fair life workout because you are a professional or a retired athlete and want to stay in shape, life training is definitely important,” said Johnson.

He works with college, professional and amateur athletes and has adapted to the times.

I only work with the people who need it most, “said Johnson.

His StrengthFarm gym will have a new home on Monday in Hillsdale for one-on-one and small group training with no more than five people at a time.

“It is definitely important to look into the psychology of competitive sport,” said Johnson.

Train explosively, there’s an app for that.

“I’m very excited about this. I think this is the future,” he said.

SFX Athletes is Johnson’s new personalized sports performance app.

“Based on people’s assessment and score, it gives them personalized workouts and tells them reps, sentences of how much rest to do,” he said. “It’s a really big deal to be able to work out and have a system that is consistent and proven and not just bench press and curls.”

For kids in the Pacific Northwest who haven’t played their season yet, now is the time to take advantage of a free 30-day trial to keep pursuing these college scholarships.

“I’m really excited about the high school age kids because I can see the value for them,” said Johnson.

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