Whatever you want to improve this year, give yourself time to breathe.
DoTERRA’s Roam Diffuser offers a portable aromatic experience that you can take with you into any room.
Pleasant Grove, January 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – 3… 2… 1 … Happy New Year! It is probably safe to say that we all hope that 2021 will rid us of many of the unsavory experiences of 2020. No matter what the year brings, make sure that maintaining your personal health and wellbeing is high on your priority list. Below are some suggestions on how you can make sure essential oils have a role to play in your New Year’s resolutions and lifestyle.
Out with the old, in with the new
Take a deep breath. You made it by 2020. Whatever you want to improve this year, give yourself time to breathe. DoTERRA’s Breathe Respiratory Blend offers a refreshing aroma of peppermint, eucalyptus, bay leaf, lemon, and other essential oils that can help create clear, easy breathing.
Uses and Benefits of doTERRA Breathe Oil
Ring in the New Year
Everyone greets the New Year in different ways. Some celebrate with a glass of champagne and family, others run on a treadmill or take a long, hot bath. Add some of doTERRA’s Peppermint and On Guard beads to the mix of New Year’s traditions this year. These pearls allow you to conveniently take advantage of several powerful essential oils in one tiny vegetable pearl. With these in hand, you are ready to ring in the new year in any way.
Peppermint pearls uses and benefits
Uses and Benefits of the doTERRA On Guard Beadlet
New year, new you
This is YOUR year. (Repeat for yourself until you believe it). Regardless of the changes or improvements anticipated this year, it’s time to shine, and there’s no better way to do it than with doTERRA’s Copaiba Essential Oil. This spicy, woody oil improves, supports and promotes both internal and external health. Copaiba could become your new secret weapon for health and wellbeing in 2021.
Uses and benefits of Copaiba
Goals, goals, goals
Setting goals is synonymous with “Happy New Year” and setting resolutions is a welcome and undesirable ritual every 365 days. Uncap your pens and write your goals down as you disperse our “Goal Setting” mix in doTERRA’s beautiful Roam Diffuser. With a powerful battery and charging station, the Roam Diffuser offers a portable, aromatic experience that you can take with you into any room.
Objective of the diffuser mixture:
-2 drops of incense
-2 drops of peppermint
-1 drop of ylang ylang
Uses and benefits of the roam diffuser
There’s so much more we could share, but here’s the right combination of essential oils, diet, and exercise to make 2021 the best year ever.
Kevin Wilson doTERRA kawilson@doterra.com