Managing the results of most cancers and most cancers remedies on sufferers’ dietary standing


Kathell Margaret Geraghty Oncology Nurse, Oncology, The Galway Clinic, Galway, Republic of Ireland

Why should you read this article?

  • • • To improve your understanding of the effects of cancer and its treatment on patients’ nutritional status

  • • • Become familiar with nutritional interventions that can aid patients undergoing cancer treatment

  • • • To count as part of your 35 hour CPD for renewal or if you want to write a reflective account (UK readers)

  • • • Contribute to your professional development and local registration renewal (non-UK readers)

Adequate nutrition is a basic requirement of the human body that supports cell growth and optimal organ function. The nutritional needs of cancer patients may increase due to systemic inflammatory responses caused by cancer and cancer treatments. Nurses play an important role in providing nutritional interventions to patients undergoing cancer treatment through education and personalized nutrition. This article examines which nutritional interventions by nurses can alleviate symptoms and side effects, improve nutritional status, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients.

Standard of care.
doi: 10.7748 / ns.2021.e11692

Peer review

This article has been subjected to an external double-blind review and checked for plagiarism using automated software

@ Kathellgeraghty


Conflict of interest

None declared

Geraghty KM (2021) Management of the effects of cancer and cancer treatments on the nutritional status of patients. Standard of care. doi: 10.7748 / ns.2021.e11692

Published online 25 February 2021

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