More healthy Style recipes for a scrumptious Mom’s Day meal | 69Information at Dawn


Registered nutritionist Emily Wunder shares some of her best recipes with the 69 News Sunrise team for a delicious Mother’s Day meal.

Wunder shares their healthy recipes on

On Saturday, she shared her recipes for three brunch options and a cocktail.

These included:

Mini Egg Frittatas: A breakfast dish made from vegetables, spices, cheese and your favorite type of protein.

Lemon and asparagus cake: puff pastry side dish with fresh ingredients.

Sweet Potato Hash: Leave your skin on as you prepare this nutritious and hearty side dish.

Sparkling Cranberry Pear Mocktail: CrAnberry and pear juice with sparkling water or Prosecco if you prefer a cocktail.

Wunder also says that a great addition to Mother’s Day brunch is a chilled yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and cereal.