New remedy to delay Sort 1 diabetes may very well be near approval



The injection of a life is in the works. A revolutionary drug could soon be approved to delay type 1 diabetes. We looked at how the recording would work, what it would take for it to become a reality, and talked to those for whom this would be a game changer.

About three years ago, doctors diagnosed Stephanie Rochelle’s son Finn with type 1 diabetes.

“They stabbed him in the finger and his sugar was 380 at the time,” said Rochelle.

Rochelle says – because Finn was so small – the doctors had difficulty drawing his blood and had to pin him down. But the strain followed the family outside of the hospital as well.

“Eight, 10, 12 finger pricks a day. Eight, 10, 12 injections a day, ”explained Rochelle. “I had to quit my job. I have had a very good career. “

Rochelle says Finn needed constant care to manage his diabetes. But the older he gets, the easier it gets.

“He understands when I say, ‘Give yourself 50 carbs; give yourself 50 carbs, ”said Rochelle. “He knows what it is. With two he obviously can’t do it himself. “

A new drug gives hope to families like Rochelle’s.

Teplizumab is an injection that stops the immune cells that cause type 1 diabetes. The study patients received two weeks of treatment. More than 900 days later, 50% of the patients remained diabetes-free.

The FDA’s advisory committee voted to approve the drug back in May. The FDA is expected to make a final decision on Friday, July 2nd.

Rochelle says while it’s not a cure, the extra time would be a big step forward.

“I would probably have kept my job a while until we found a solution to our problem,” said Rochelle. “The learning curve would not have been that big.”