Peloton cuts Apple Watch Health help again to only the biking class


Peloton has removed the ability for users to link the Apple Watch to the Bike + Bootcamp classes, leaving only the bike class.

One of the advertised features of the Peloton Bike + was the ability to use Apple GymKit and connect the Apple Watch for fitness tracking. A recently released update cut another workout out of pairing with the Apple Watch and just left the bike class.

The Peloton Bike + had already disabled Apple Watch paring for strength and yoga classes and may not be able to enable pairing for future classes. Connect the Watts speculates that this was done to steer users towards possible future devices created by Peloton.

Peloton had already acquired a company in 2021 that was dedicated to the development of fitness bands. The Apple Watch would be in direct competition with your device. Hence, removing features early could lead customers to adopt the proprietary fitness band later.

Apple doesn’t make its own fitness hardware, but does offer a competitive service called Apple Fitness +. The service is available as a monthly subscription for $ 9.99 or as part of the Apple One Premier plan.

Peloton’s CEO described Fitness + as “fitness content legitimizing” even though the companies are now direct competitors. Peloton’s entry into fitness bands may be reason enough to remove Apple Watch support, but it does run the risk of alienating users.

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