LAWTON, Oklahoma (KSWO) – The Lawton Public Library has decided to invest its annual health literacy scholarship into a program that focuses on healthy living.
Our library is one of 36 public libraries to receive a grant from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries this year.
All 36 grants totaled over $ 220,000, courtesy of the Institute for Museum and Library Services.
Community engagement librarian Tanya Organ said she had decided to invest the $ 9,000 grant in programs that encourage the community to take action.
“This year we bought a library of things that people can try, use them once or see if they want to buy something for their home,” said Organ. “We bought some bicycle repair stations. And we’re going to do some thai chi classes through OHAI.
Organ said the Library of Things program allows anyone over the age of 18 with a library pass to check out healthy living items for two weeks.
Articles range from weights, skipping ropes, headphones, and even a metal detector.
The scholarship gave them the opportunity to add light therapy boxes and weighted hula hoops to encourage exercise and exercise.
“Some of these things are items that when they are playing with their kids in the park, they may not have access to inflate their tires or anything,” said Organ. “That’s why it’s important for us to get the information out to the public so that people can use it.”
Aside from the health-promoting collection of items, they also decided to build 3 bicycle repair stations across the city.
In the library, Elmer Thomas Park, and Greer Park, which many of us know as the Kid Zone.
“Our cycling community is so strong that we’re running two major cycling races, one of which is the Tour of the Wichitas,” said Organ. “It’s just a great way to give them an opportunity. When you train outside you have a place to stop if something breaks on your bike. “
They hope to have these bike stations ready by February this year.
And finally, starting January 24th, they will begin a free Thai Chi class that will focus on balance and movement of the body.
It is aimed at the elderly, but all ages are welcome.
If you would like to learn more about any of these new programs or to sign up for the course, you can click the links.
Email to sign up for the Thai Chi class
Information on programs
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