RSU 9 vitamin funding struggling amid distant studying


Andrew Hutchins, director of Food Service at Regional School Unit 9 in FARMINGTON – told directors Tuesday night that he anticipated a loss of $ 120,000 on the nutrition program.

COVID-19 has been really devastating for us financially Picture of the school feeding program, ”Hutchins said, adding that the program is funded based on the number of meals served.

The food service budget, which is constantly balanced every year, is independent of the district budget.

RSU 9 has launched a number of contact programs to serve meals to students during the pandemic. The pick-up program serves about 50 to 60 meals a day, and the recently introduced home delivery service serves about 125 students daily, Hutchins reported.

Nonetheless, distance learning has influenced the number of students who are normally cared for under the district’s nutrition program.

“They are simple numbers; jJust like restaurants have to turn the tables to make ends meet, we have to turn trays to make ends meet, ”said Hutchins.

Kirk Doyle, member of the Farmington Board of Directors, asked what the remaining amount would be after the expected loss in the program’s fund balance and whether the district needed to prepare its budget for the feeding program.

“T.We still have around $ 150,000 in our fund balance, ”said Hutchins. “As soon as the school year starts in the, We have money that everyone goes in and outonth and we can easily to survive to $ 150,000 for the next year. So I don’t expect to have to add anything to the budget also in the next several Years. ”

On another matter, curriculum coordinator Laura Columbia and interim superintendent Monique Poulin discussed the fate of the district’s distance learning academy if schools had the opportunity to return to full face-to-face teaching.

For the rest of the year I will say yes, we will continue openr our Full remote academy, “said Columbia. “The students and parents who were there from the start love it and appreciate the opportunity it offers.”

According to RSU 9 data, there are 530 completely distant learners who make up 23% of the student population.

Poulin reiterated that any significant proposed changes to school teaching would be submitted to the Board for approval prior to implementation.

Columbia presented an academic update on Star 360 that assesses students in grades 2-11 using computerized standardized tests. The evaluation program launched in autumn 2018 shows consistent trends, with 50% to 60% of students doing well or above average in reading and 46% to 51% doing at least or above average in math.

Carol Coles, board member of Starks, reported on a pilot program initiated by the Committee on Preventing School Leavers, which consists of a satellite distance learning center in Starks.

It is was prioritized for Starks’ children and the reason we do it in Starks at The community center has adequate internet, ”said Coles. “It’s not perfect but it is better than most of our homes and parents reacted really well. “

Chairwoman Angela LeClair announced that a preliminary budget proposal would be presented to the Budget Committee on March 12-19.

After the board returned from the board meeting, members approved a memorandum of agreement with the Mt. Blue Education Association to further discuss the teachers’ employment contract.

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