Sanjay Ghodawat Basis Launches ‘Vitamin for Life’ Marketing campaign


In the first phase, this trip was carried out in four different orphanages in Kolhapur, Ichalkaranji and Panhala March 25, 2021 Here volunteers from SGF not only distributed Hapy Milkshake to children, but also informed them about the benefits of diet in daily life. This trip was done in Balkalyan Sankul (Kolhapur), Navchaitya Balgruh (Ichalkaranji), Avani Balgruh (Kolhapur) and Shri Dilip Singh Raje Ghatge Balgram (Panhala).

A positive step towards malnutrition India

Prominent research suggests that uneven distribution of resources is a major challenge India This has made food difficult for a sizeable population and has harmed children the most. According to the National Health Survey, 2015-16, every second child aged 0-5 comes from 20% of the poorest households in India suffers from some form of malnutrition. This drive is thus a significant positive step towards the fight against malnutrition.

Hapy is a popular product from the Sanjay Ghodawat Group, known not only for its incomparable taste and quality, but also for its high nutritional value. Loaded with protein, calcium, vitamins A and D, it is considered to be one of the best nutritious drinks on the market.

Always on the front lines to serve society

The Sanjay Ghodawat Foundation is a widely admired nonprofit organization that has done tremendous community service in various fields such as advancement of women, sanitation and cleanliness, education, the environment, natural disaster management, health, etc.

This is not the first time that the SGF has expanded its help for children in need. The foundation has made an immense contribution to the benefit of disadvantaged children in the past. Free education for more than 5,000 children, school for the visually impaired, free career guidance programs, and various other initiatives.

“Malnutrition was a big problem in India for decades. I am glad that SGF started this initiative and I am confident that SGF will continue to work on this aspect in the future in order to make a significant contribution to making India free from malnutrition “, says Sanjay Ghodawat, Chairman of the Sanjay Ghodawat Group.

About the Sanjay Ghodawat Group

The Sanjay Ghodawat Group is a leading Indian business conglomerate with a presence in a variety of high quality businesses ranging from salt to software. Aviation, consumer goods, education, energy, mining, real estate, retail, software and textiles are some of the key business areas. SGG was founded in 1993 and has since seen impressive growth under the great leadership of its founder and chairman – Mr. Sanjay Ghodawat. With a strong base of millions of customers IndiaSGG drives forward with great strength and brings significant changes in people’s lives with its wide range of high-quality products and services.


SOURCE Sanjay Ghodawat Foundation