WILCO – At a press conference earlier this week, State Representative James Talarico and Rep. Four Price announced laws that would limit the cost of insulin to $ 50 a month.
During the press conference, Talarico also announced that he has type 1 diabetes and almost died three years ago.
“Even with health insurance, I paid $ 684 for my first 30-day insulin supply – the medicine I need to live. I had to write it on a credit card, ”said Talarico. “In the last 20 years the price of insulin has increased by 1200%. Today I put laws in place to limit the price of insulin to $ 50 per month as access to insulin is a human right. “
In May 2018, Talarico was 28 years old and was running for the seat he currently holds. He was hospitalized after a campaign rally where he ran 25 miles the length of his district that began in Taylor and ended in Round Rock.
After testing his blood sugar, doctors found that he had diabetic ketoacidosis, a fatal condition that causes coma and death without insulin. After five days in the intensive care unit, he made a full recovery and is now successfully managing his new condition.
Talarico is the lead author of House Bill 40, which already has 38 Republicans and 64 Democrats under contract – a majority from the Texas House.