Vitamin is Rad: A Day of Wholesome Habits | Upcoming Occasions in San Diego


There is nothing better than eating healthy! On March 31st, celebrate a day of healthy habits by learning how to keep track of your child’s diet.

Free online activity plan:10:00 am – eat the rainbow with Jimbo! [LIVE VIDEO]

Discover the healthy benefits of a colorful diet and put together your own fruit skewers for delicious enjoyment. Pick up a specially formulated snack kit from Jimbo to take home with you – see below for more information on kits!

2:00 pm – Parenting On The Go: Episode 4 – How To Help Children Build Healthy Relationships With Food [PRE-RECORDED VIDEO]

Join Rachel Rothman, a children’s nutritionist, and Whitney Raser, the Museum’s Director of Education, for a special installment of our parenting workshop series for practical tips on how to overcome common meal problems. From picky eaters to sneaky snackers, Rachel has a wealth of knowledge and experience in helping parents prepare happier, stress-free meals and getting children to eat new foods without pressure or bribery.

This virtual event is hosted on the museum’s Facebook page. On the day of the event, check our site for the activities listed and follow us to be notified when we go live.