Vitamin professional to debate vegan eating out methods April 1


The Lewes Public Library will host Michelle A. Williams, PhD, on a live online presentation titled “I’ve Become Vegan … Does That Mean I Can Never Eat Out?” Welcome. Thursday, April 1st, 5 p.m.

Does vegan or plant-based mean that a person can no longer eat out? Certainly not! Williams will address the misconception that eating a plant-based or vegan diet limits dining options. She will offer strategies, tips and tricks for eating while staying true to a plant-based diet and lifestyle. She speaks as someone who has been doing this job for decades.

The zoom-based discussion is free to the public. Registration is required. Visit the Adult Virtual Programs page at to register.

Michele A Williams, PhD, MBA, RPh, is a Responsible Medicine Medical Committee Food for Life Certified Instructor and has a Cornell University plant-based nutrition certification. She is a past vice president and past president of the Sussex Cyclists and an active real estate investor and developer in Delaware and Maryland. She works to enable individuals to be their own best health attorney.