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February 13, 2021 • • 3 hours ago • • 5 minutes read Photo by gmast3r /.Getty Images
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Don’t worry about reservations for Valentine’s Day dinner. Staying home and preparing something nutritious may be the perfect menu option for that romantic day.
Especially if you are using ingredients that can boost your boudoir performance.
Author Christine DeLozier Photo delivered by /.Christine DeLozier
So says Christine DeLozier (, a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice who specializes in sexual health for all genders and orientations.
And good nutrition really makes for great sex, according to DeLozier.
There’s more than just avoiding garlic and onions if you’re looking to get intimate after dinner, notes DeLozier, who recently wrote The Steamy Diet For Great Sex – Food For The Sexual Health Of Men And Women (IngramSpark). It’s also about choosing smart and healthy foods to get the most out of intimacy.
DeLozier offers a variety of dietary suggestions to prepare after your meal, including adding lots of leafy greens to the menu as these are known to improve sexual sensation.
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And don’t be afraid of gas! Foods that you think should be avoided on dates for fear of making you fat are ironically great for intimacy.
DeLozier addresses this and much more in the book, which is filled with easy-to-navigate advice, delicious food ideas, and factual tips on how to bring out the best passion in an intimate encounter.
“We have to care about the biological design of our body, and diet affects sex,” writes DeLozier from her book, adding, “Much clinical research shows that certain eating habits increase blood flow to the genitals, balance sex hormones, and the nerves help.” to be able to respond best to the touch of our partner. “
DeLozier’s offers a great sex action plan along with ingredients to enhance intimate life from the inside out. She even has a special date night sex menu specially designed to improve blood flow and increase pleasure.
In a chapter titled “Aphrodisiacs: Fluffers of the Gods,” DeLozier notes that the usual suspects (oysters, dark chocolate) receive lip service, but not the scientific basis, “when in fact many aphrodisiacs have been scientifically studied … put together, there are enough evidence to explain why certain foods have been resorted to over the centuries to move the loins towards increased pleasure. “
DeLozier says you can “eat your way too horny” by changing your normal eating habits. Cut down on processed and fried foods, refined sugars, carbonated drinks, and white bread. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as lean protein.
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Before you know it, you have the right recipe for romance!
The following recipes are from Diet For Great Sex.
Sex juice
“This drink has the appropriate name because the juices flow thanks to the beets. Beet juice is a nitrate superstar; After drinking, the level of nitric oxide (which helps dilate blood vessels and improve vascular function) in the body gradually increases and improves vascular function. This is important because, for the best sex, we want good blood circulation where we need it most – for both men and women. ”
2 beets, washed, peeled and chopped
1 flavorful pepper of your choice such as poblano or jalapeno (or use an apple that contains sex promoting flavonoids).
2 TEA SPOONS. (10 ml) chopped fresh ginger
Juice all ingredients. If you don’t have a juicer, toss everything in the blender and let the liquid drain.
Served 2.
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Simple spinach salad with fresh herb dressing:
Spinach is loaded with potassium and naturally occurring nitrates that dilate blood vessels and measurably improve vascular function within two hours of consumption. Wash and dry a bag of fresh baby leaf spinach. Squeeze fresh lemon juice and mix with tasty herbs such as dill and basil – pass on the salty, fatty dressings.
Cleopatra’s pumpkin filled with saffron rice
“This pumpkin is filled with finely seasoned saffron rice, fruit and nuts. Squash is loaded with sexually healthy potassium and antioxidants. Science has proven that potassium improves arterial function within a few hours of consumption. In addition, this recipe is flavored with aphrodisiac saffron, cloves and nutmeg for a fragrant, hearty sex meal. Cloves are also great choices as one study found that they improve cravings and performance within an hour of consumption. The addition of walnuts makes this dish a star of the sexes, as omega-3 fatty acids quickly improve arterial function shortly after consumption. ”
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1 acorn (or other) winter squash
1 tablespoon. (15 ml) vegetable oil
1/2 cup EACH fresh red pepper and onion, chopped
1 tablespoon. (15 ml) curry powder
Pinch of saffron
1/8 tsp. (0.1 ml) EACH nutmeg and cloves
pinch of salt
Pepper to taste
1/4 cup (60 ml) EACH raisin and halved walnuts
1 cup (250 ml) basmati rice
1-1 / 4 cups (310 ml) water
Chopped parsley for garnish
Acorn gourd: Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Halve the pumpkin, remove the seeds and place on a baking sheet. Add a few tablespoons of water to center the pumpkin cavity. Bake for about 50-60 minutes or until soft and tender.
Saffron rice: Heat the oil in a pan on medium high. Add onion, paprika and spices and sauté until tender. Add rice and toss to coat 2-3 minutes. Add raisins, walnuts and water; Reduce heat and cook for 15-20 minutes or until rice is cooked. Put rice in pumpkin and garnish with fresh parsley.
Served 2.
Fried herb salmon
DeLozier notes that testosterone drops sharply after a very fatty meal. “This has the potential to break mood, as enough testosterone is required for strong libido in both men and women.” A high-fat meal also increases arterial stiffness within two hours – not what we want for intimacy. Omega-3 fatty acids, as found in fish, although high in fat, improve the elasticity of blood vessels within two hours of ingestion. That makes fish the perfect choice for an intimate evening.
2 salmon fillets, rinsed, patted dry with paper towel
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1 teaspoon. (5 ml) coconut oil
Few sprigs of fresh herbs you like (thyme, dill, fresh parsley)
Salt, pepper to taste
1 teaspoon. (5 ml) low sodium soy sauce
Take the salmon out 20 minutes before cooking. Make sure the salmon is patted dry. This leads to wetter fish. Season to taste with a pinch of salt and pepper.
Heat coconut oil in a non-stick pan over medium to medium heat. When the oil is hot, place the salmon fillets skin down in the pan. Add fresh herbs to toss for flavor. Cook until the pink flesh brightens at the bottom, usually just a few more minutes.
Add the soy sauce to the pan. Cook another 1-2 minutes until your salmon has a nice caramel glaze. Turn and cook for about 3 minutes or until cooked to the desired degree.
Served 2.
Mango & Berries
Just like a high-fat meal, a high-sugar meal causes testosterone levels to drop sharply shortly after eating. Instead of a sugary dessert, choose sex-healthy berries and mangoes. Berries are rich in polyphenols and potassium, which measurably improve vascular function after consumption. And as a bonus, they’re high in vitamin C, which improves mood within two hours.
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