COVID-19 Vaccine and Diabetes: What to anticipate?


BATON ROUGE, La. (BRPRROUD) – What does it mean for people with underlying health conditions, including diabetes, as COVID-19 vaccines continue to be rolled out to the general public?

Dr. Baton Rouge General’s Stephanie Coleman says diabetics should consider getting vaccinated as they are more susceptible to disease.

When tested with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, it was found that the vaccine did not interact with drugs such as insulin.

“Those who get COVID-19 or have COVID-19 are starting to speed up their immune systems. Blood sugar levels will spike and your diabetes will get more out of control as you fight off this COVID process, ”Coleman said.

Any vaccination can raise glucose levels, according to Coleman.

She wants patients to understand a change in glucose levels after the COVID-19 vaccine is not permanent.

“When your body makes an immune response, your blood sugar levels may temporarily rise. For all of my diabetics out there, I would recommend that you check your blood levels, especially for the first two days after the vaccination, ”she said.

There are more than half a million people with diabetes in Louisiana, according to the Baton Rouge General.

Since the pandemic began, Coleman has seen a change in the health of diabetics.

Some patients avoid seeing a doctor because of the risk of contracting the coronavirus.

“Many of our patients with diabetes are afraid of going to their doctor’s appointment or the pharmacy for a refill,” she said. “I see many diabetics without medication for two or three months because they are afraid to see a doctor.”

In Louisiana, the following are eligible for the vaccine:

  • People over 70 years
  • Providers of outpatient departments and clinic staff
  • Emergency clinic providers and employees
  • Providers and employees of municipal nursing clinics
  • Behavioral clinic providers and employees
  • Dialysis providers and customers
  • Home health care providers, direct support workers, and beneficiaries, including those with disabilities over the age of 16
  • Dentists and staff
  • Outpatient care providers and staff, including members of forensic, autopsy, or funeral teams.
  • Students, residents, faculties, and allied health school staff

Further information on providers in the state can be found here.

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