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Elevated maternal lipids, particularly elevated triglyceride levels, were linked to the development of gestational diabetes, according to new results from a systematic review and meta-analysis.
“Although the cause of gestational diabetes is not fully understood, it has been found that maternal obesity, older mothers, and women from certain ethnic groups are at high risk. Increasing attention was paid to the connections between impaired glucose metabolism, abnormal circulating lipid levels and the resulting deterioration in glucose intolerance. “ Jiamiao Huh, MD, from the College of Food Science at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, China, and the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Leicester and the Diabetes Research Center at Leicester General Hospital, UK, and colleagues who have written in EClinicalMedicine. “While the exact relationship between maternal plasma lipid metabolism and maternal glucose remains unclear, recent studies have shown that gestational diabetes induces a state of dyslipidemia that is compatible with insulin resistance.”
Source: Adobe Stock
The systematic review and meta-analysis included 292 studies reporting circulating lipid profiles during pregnancy in patients with and without gestational diabetes through February 2021. These studies included 97,880 pregnant women, of whom 28,232 had gestational diabetes and 69,648 served as controls.
The researchers maintained studies that described original data with at least one raw lipid, including triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, or VLDL measurements.
There was a 20% higher percentage of triglyceride levels in women with gestational diabetes with a pooled weighted mean difference (WMD) of 0.388 mM (95% CI, 0.336-0.439; P <0.001) between pregnant women with gestational diabetes and controls. Women with gestational diabetes also had higher total cholesterol (WMD, 0.149 mM; 95% CI, 0.082-0.214; P <0.001), LDL (WMD, 0.079 mM; 95% CI, 0.018-0.14; P = 0.011), and VLDL (WMD, 0.216 mM; 95% CI, 0.1-0.332; P <0.001) as well as lower HDL (WMD, -0.079 mM; 95% CI, -0.1 to -0.058; P <0.001) compared to controls .
The researchers also observed that the elevated triglyceride levels appeared and continued in the first trimester.
The differences in triglyceride levels between people with and without gestational diabetes were significantly associated with age, BMI, study continent, oral glucose tolerance test method, and gestational diabetes diagnostic criteria in meta-regression analyzes.
According to the researchers, the high heterogeneity observed in this study suggested that triglyceride levels may be influenced by variables such as ethnicity and BMI, previously identified as risk factors for gestational diabetes.
“The results of this study also suggest that elevated lipid levels, particularly triglycerides, are linked to future risk of gestational diabetes and could potentially be incorporated into a risk stratification algorithm to calculate risk of gestational diabetes,” the researchers wrote.
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