SAN DIEGO–(BUSINESS WIRE) – AntiCancer Inc. announces that its patent application for oral methioninase has been approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Oral methioninase has been shown to be effective against cancer of all types, as well as against diabetes, obesity and fatty liver in preclinical studies. It is also predicted to be effective against Covid-19. All of these diseases require the amino acid methionine in unusually high amounts. Oral methioninase works against these diseases by restricting methionine in the body.
“Methioninase is safe because it can be taken orally,” said Dr. Qinghong Han, director of oral methioninase development at AntiCancer and inventor of the new patent. “Oral methioninase works by drastically reducing methionine in the digestive system. It has enormous commercial potential as it works against diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and Covid-19, all of which require increased amounts of methionine. Equally exciting is that oral methioninase can also inhibit aging. ”
AntiCancer has spun off a wholly owned subsidiary Methuselah Pharmaceuticals LLC to commercialize methioninase. “The new patent will allow AntiCancer and Methuselah to uniquely commercialize methioninase,” said Dr. Han.
AntiCancer Inc. also uniquely offers patient-derived mouse models for orthotopic xenografts (PDOX) that are most similar to cancer patients. AntiCancer also offers a three-dimensional HDRA tumor culture for the discovery and evaluation of cancer drugs. Anticancer also develops tumor-targeting bacteria; pluripotent hair follicle stem cells that form neurons and other cell types for regenerative medicine and have pioneered tumor-specific fluorescence-guided surgery.
AntiCancer Inc. is headquartered in San Diego with offices in Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul and Nanjing. Follow AntiCancer on