Sugar Run deliberate to teach about, elevate funds for diabetes


Diagnosing diabetes can be overwhelming and expensive.

Suddenly you find yourself in a crash course where you count sugar, configure insulin intake, examine the composition of your diet in more detail, and make room in your budget for testing consumables.

“There is a lot to consider when it comes to education,” said Homer Marquez, communications and marketing officer for Covenant Health Plainview.

With this in mind, the Covenant Health Plainview Foundation is planning a Sugar Run: Poker Run for Diabetes to raise awareness about the effects of the disease and raise funds to help those who may not be able to experience some of the Supervise necessary resources and keep it under control.

On April 24th, participants will take a road trip by motorcycle or car to collect a hand of poker and win prizes while promoting the cause. The event is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There are free diabetes checks and a motorcycle blessing.

Participants begin and end in the parking lot at Plainview Elks Lodge, 908 N. Interstate-27. Stopovers are planned in downtown Plainview, Lockney, Floydada, Crosbyton and Idalou to pick up poker cards.

The participant who returns with the highest poker hand wins.

The cost to register before April 21st is $ 30. Registration on the day of the event costs $ 35. Those interested can register by email at or by phone at (806) 296-4281. The proceeds will be used to

The idea for the event has been in the works for a long time. Like most events in the past year, it was delayed by COVID-19 activity. Pam Pollard, the hospital’s diabetes awareness officer, came up with the idea and discussed it with a few colleagues (including Marquez – who came up with the name). A tattoo artist from Plainview came up with the Winged Donut logo.

Aside from its primary purpose of raising awareness, the event also pays homage to Pollard’s late husband, David, who died of his injuries after his motorcycle was hit by a pickup truck on Interstate-27’s West Service Route in May 2018.

“She feels ready to celebrate his life,” said Marquez of Pollard.

The event is sponsored by Covenant Health Plainview, Amigos, and the Plainview Elks Lodge 1175.