This One Consuming Trick Can Decrease Your Diabetes Threat, Says New Examine


Are you Trying to Lower Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)? By then, you can already find ways to stay active throughout the week and watch the foods you eat to keep your blood sugar under control. However, new research has found a way to lower your blood sugar levels and lower your insulin resistance without going to the gym or the healthy food aisle.

A new study virtually shared at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, ENDO 2021. It was shown that eating before 8:30 a.m. can significantly lower the risk of developing T2D. (See Also: The 7 Healthiest Foods To Eat Right Now).

“It is well known that our internal circadian clocks control the rhythm of metabolic hormones on a 24-hour day,” said the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Marriam Ali, across from Eat This, Not That! in an interview. “This contains insulin, a key hormone in diabetes that tends to be more sensitive in the morning. “

So when you eat early in the morning, you are taking care of your body at a time of the day when insulin sensitivity is high, which means cells can use blood sugar (sugar) more efficiently. The study was designed to examine the effects of intermittent fasting on risk factors for the disease. It turns out that regardless of how you eat throughout the day, having this meal early in the morning can be key to reducing your risk. As for other limited time meals?

“Research to date suggests that diets like intermittent fasting have no significant effects on insulin resistance and diabetes improvement,” said Dr. Deena Adimoolam, MD, endocrinologist and Endocrine Society representative, told Eat This, Not That! “What we do know, however, is that if intermittent fasting results in significant weight loss, insulin resistance and overall diabetes can improve.”

So let’s say these results convinced you to wake up early to have a good meal when your body needs it most. What breakfast foods should you eat for your insulin resistance? Dr. Adimoolam suggests reaching for “high protein foods – eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, whole grain oatmeal, [or] Smoothies with yogurt and fruit and nut butter. “

For more information on how to lower your chances of developing the disease, check out these 10 best ways to lower your risk of diabetes, according to doctors.