Train is a part of diabetes therapy routine | Nationwide Information


SHREVEPORT, La. – Exercise is an important part of the treatment regimen for diabetic patients.

“If you look at type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance is the main pathogenesis of the disease and the main abuse of diabetes,” said Dr. Michelle Chico, endocrinologist with Willis Knighton Health System Diabetes, they are gaining weight. And when they gain weight, they have abnormal blood sugar. “

So the body produces more insulin, which leads to weight gain.

“And so it becomes a vicious circle,” said Chico.

Chico said drugs alone won’t usually reverse the cycle.

Exercise and diabetes

“It is really difficult just to deal with medication. We’re really promoting lifestyle change, ”she said.

And it’s not just type 2 diabetes.

“Because of the increasing incidence of obesity that we are seeing, we are seeing high levels of insulin resistance even in type 1 diabetes patients,” said Chico.

While exercise is good for everyone, it is especially important for people with diabetes.

“It helps you cut down on your medication, it makes you more sensitive to insulin,” said Chico. “Type 1 diabetes patients are becoming more sensitive to insulin and we don’t need to increase their doses any further.”

Dr.  Michelle Chico

Dr. Michelle Chico

A combination of cardio and strength training works best.

“We definitely recommend weight training as it helps with the loss of visceral fat, which is the fat in your stomach and the fat around your organs, as it poses risks for heart disease and diabetes,” said Chico. “So strength training in combination with cardio helps a lot and is definitely recommended.”

Chico suggests either 120 minutes a week of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high intensity.

Exercise and diabetes

“Moderately would run or swim. And we would consider something like jogging or high intensity running, ”she said.

In addition to exercise, making better food choices is a must.

“You can’t get on a treadmill and exercise and do a really good, high-intensity workout. Then you can get off the treadmill and eat five slices of pizza. That just won’t help, ”said Chico with a smile.

It’s all about balance and moderation, she said, adding, “As you develop healthy habits with your exercise routine, you also tend to make better eating habits.”