Worldwide Diabetes Federation and Direct Reduction Announce Initiative to Convey Diabetes Merchandise to Susceptible Populations Across the Globe


The IDF – Direct Relief Global Diabetes Partnership builds on the organizations’ joint efforts to encourage manufacturers to donate type 2 diabetes-related medical devices to the partnership for delivery and humanitarian use in crisis countries. Since then, the partnership has shipped tens of millions of diabetes medication tablets, over a million insulin vials, and diabetes-related consumables by a number of companies to local partners in several countries around the world affected by crisis.

Diabetes is one of the fastest growing non-communicable diseases in the world. According to the latest IDF Diabetes Atlas, 463 million people worldwide had diabetes in 2019, a 62% increase since 2009. Diabetes has made a significant contribution to death and disability worldwide, accounting for 4.2 million deaths in 2019. Health complications associated with diabetes can be minimized or eliminated through access to essential medicines and adequate care. Unfortunately, in countries experiencing natural disasters or other crises, these drugs and health care resources are often unavailable or unaffordable.

Request for cooperation

IDF and Direct Relief invite healthcare companies that manufacture diabetes-related drugs, technology and diagnostic products to support this program with consistent donations of their products to help people with diabetes in countries where these goods are unavailable or unaffordable are.

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germanydonated 10 million doses of its Glucophage® drug for type 2 diabetes as well as over 2.5 million doses of its hypertension drug Concor® as some type 2 diabetes patients also have hypertension.

Novo Nordisk A / S also donates insulin to Direct Relief to support crisis countries. The company made 1.5 million vials of insulin available to Direct Relief last year and committed to participating in a product access pilot program where Novo Nordisk will manufacture insulin for the initiative.

“People with diabetes need uninterrupted access to medicines and care. Taking care of diabetes becomes even more difficult when disaster strikes and people are forced to flee. In these difficult circumstances, people with diabetes often have and are having difficulty managing their condition At increased risk of life-threatening complications. Too often, diabetes care is overlooked in humanitarian aid. To mark the 100th anniversary of the life-saving discovery of insulin, we are proud to expand our partnership with Direct Relief to ensure that no person is treated with diabetes we stay behind, “said Prof. Andrew Boulton, President of the International Diabetes Federation.

IDF and Direct Relief have been working together for 10 years. The partnership began with the “Life for a Child” program now run by Australia Diabetes NSW & ACT, which provides access to life-sustaining medicines and supplies to over 42,000 underserved children and young adults with type 1 diabetes in 42 countries. This program has enabled children with type 1 diabetes in some of the poorest countries in the world to have access to medical products and education that will save their lives.

In 2020, Direct Relief made hundreds of millions of dollars in diabetes products available to underserved people with diabetes affected by disasters and emergencies in over 60 countries worldwide. Direct Relief works closely with the three global insulin manufacturers and is now one of the world’s largest humanitarian insulin providers. Direct Relief’s headquarters distribution center is significantly expanding its refrigeration capacity to store cold chain drugs (up to 900 pallets of product space), providing increased support for people in need of cold chain therapies for diabetes, hemophilia, rare diseases and other conditions.

“Direct Relief’s collaboration with IDF reflects our strategy of forging public-private partnerships to address public health issues, with international and national problem identification and advocacy organizations, pharmaceutical partners providing donated medicines, and the Direct Relief’s ability to sustain and maintain supply chains distribute donated medicines, “said Direct Relief President and CEO Thomas Tighe.

“Providing access to insulin to vulnerable populations is a key priority in our strategy to tackle the social responsibility of diabetes. We therefore welcome this collaboration between our partners, Direct Relief and IDF, aimed at helping people in crisis who are struggling to Get access to the medicines you need. ” explains the Novo Nordisk CVP of Global Public Affairs & Sustainability, Katrine Luise DiBona.

“Improving the lives of patients, especially those who have difficulty accessing health care, is at the heart of our daily goal,” he said Andre Musto, Senior Vice President, Head of Franchise for Cardiovascular Metabolism and Endocrinology at Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. “We are proud to partner with Direct Relief who share our commitment.”

Via the International Diabetes Federation
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 240 national diabetes associations in 168 countries and territories. It represents the interests of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk. The federation has been a leader in the global diabetes community since 1950. IDF’s mission is to advance diabetes care, prevention and cure worldwide. The federation’s activities are aimed at influencing policy, raising public awareness and promoting health improvements, promoting the exchange of quality information on diabetes, and providing education to people with diabetes and their health care providers. More information is available at

Via direct help
Direct Relief is a humanitarian organization that works to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies. It provides life-saving medical resources to communities in need worldwide – regardless of politics, religion or solvency. More information is available at

SOURCE Direct Relief

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