Aged Diet Program (ENP) Necessary Proposers Convention Webinar – LA County WDACS


A Mandatory Proposers’ Conference (Conference) will be held virtually and by telephone to discuss the Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP) Request For Proposals (RFP). See full RFP details here.

All Prospective Proposers must attend this Conference to submit a Proposal, otherwise their Proposals will be rejected as non-responsive (disqualified) without review and eliminated from further consideration.

During this Conference, County staff will respond to questions from Prospective Proposers.

Conference will take place Tuesday April 26, 2022, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (PT)

Instructions on joining by telephone:

Prospective Proposers who intend to join this Conference via telephone must send an email to with the following subject line “Attendance for AAA/ARPA-ENP-2223 RFP Mandatory Proposers’ Conference” and include the details below in the body of the email:

  • organization’s name
  • name of participant(s)
  • title of participant(s)

Once email has been sent, you can join on April 26th by phone by calling

(323) 776-6996 using Phone Conference ID: 955 369 786#

(when prompted, provide your full name and the name of your organization)

Instructions on joining online via Microsoft Teams:

Prospective Proposers who intend to join this Conference online via Microsoft Teams must pre-confirm their attendance by sending an email to no later than Friday, April 22, 2022 with the following subject line “Request to Virtually Join AAA /ARPA-ENP-2223 RFP Mandatory Proposers’ Conference” and include the details below in the body of the email:

  • organization’s name
  • name of participant(s)
  • email address of participant(s)
  • title of participant(s)

For questions email: Please allow County up to two (2) business days to respond to your question.