BIOCORP and ROCHE DIABETES CARE FRANCE Launch Mallya, an Progressive Medical System to Higher the Every day Lifetime of Sufferers With Diabetes


ISSOIRE, France – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Regulatory News:

BIOCORP (Paris: ALCOR) (FR0012788065 – ALCOR / Eligible PEA PME), a French company specializing in the design, manufacture and manufacture of innovative medical devices, and Roche Diabetes Care France, a benchmark company dedicated to helping patients with diabetes, announce the launch in France of Mallya, a medical device available in pharmacies. This intelligent insulin pen device developed by BIOCORP collects and transmits insulin data with almost 100% accuracy2. Mallya is rechargeable via its USB port and compatible with most single-use insulin pens1. This innovation aims to make the daily life of diabetic patients undergoing insulin therapy easier and could help prevent mistakes or oversights.

The healthcare companies BIOCORP and Roche Diabetes Care France have been concluding their collaboration, announced in June last year, with the sale of Mallya smart devices for insulin injection pens since the beginning of April. Manufactured in Clermont-Ferrand, France, this innovation for insulin patients is the first in its category to receive the CE (Medical Device) mark.

Mallya is reusable and compatible with 91% 1 of the disposable insulin pens. It automatically collects insulin data (dose, date, time) and transmits it to the Gluci-Chek application developed by Roche Diabetes Care France to ensure qualified information that the patient can rely on The doctor can then make decisions3. Through integration into the Roche Diabetes Care France digital ecosystem, patients benefit from solutions that reduce the psychological burden of their illness. In France, more than 750,000 people4 are treated with insulin injections (excluding insulin pumps).

“The commercial launch of Mallya is an important milestone for BIOCORP. We are very proud to be a leader with Roche Diabetes Care France. The leading position, the large sales network in pharmacies and the connection of our innovative device with the Gluci-Chek solution offer undeniable advantages for all health professionals, but especially for diabetics who are looking for a better quality of life and better comfort, management and the daily follow-up of their illness, “said Eric Dessertenne, CEO of BIOCORP.

“For more than 40 years, we have been helping people with diabetes to think less about the day-to-day management of their disease. We are committed to the autonomy and quality of life of patients with diabetes and empower them to understand and respond to them.” This is exactly what Mallya enables when integrated into our digital ecosystem for patients and healthcare professionals. We are currently the only company that offers a quality solution based on a CE marked medical device, “added Frédéric Jacquey, President of Roche Diabetes, Care France.

An innovation to improve daily living and monitor diabetics taking insulin

After creating insulin for therapeutic use 100 years ago, the innovation in diabetes continues with the same goal: More and more patients can live better with their diabetes every day, a major challenge for patients treated with insulin. To this end, Mallya collects insulin data and transmits it to her smartphone in real time5.

As soon as the device is installed, the patient selects his insulin units as usual and injects them, with the data transfer (date, time, selected dose) taking place automatically. While 37% 6 of patients with diabetes were more afraid of their condition during their first Covid19 delivery, the simple and accurate2 Mallya device makes it easier for them to track the development of their disease. This could lead to more serenity, more security and less mistakes or forgetfulness in treatment.

With accurate and comprehensive insulin data2 shared with healthcare professionals3 via the dedicated Roche Diabetes Care Platform2, they can monitor their patients face-to-face or remotely, refine their interpretations and adjust treatment decisions.

A device integrated into a global solution to simplify diabetes management

The device expands Roche Diabetes Care France’s digital ecosystem for integrated, personalized diabetes management. This solution was previously based on three elements: connected blood glucose meters (Accu-Chek® Mobile, Accu-Chek® Guide), the Gluci-Chek application and the Roche Diabetes Care platform for healthcare professionals. Mallya adds insulin data for more comprehensive patient monitoring.

Regularly used by more than 60,000 diabetics in France, this smartphone application combines three main functions for personalized diabetes management: a carbohydrate calculation tool with a visualization of the parts on the plate, a self-monitoring of the blood sugar diary and a graphic visualization of glycemic results.

As soon as Mallya is connected to Gluci-Chek, the patient no longer has to report their insulin doses manually, as the data for each compatible insulin pen1 is automatically displayed in the patient’s blood sugar log1. In a context where the French are locked up again and 58% 3 of patients with diabetes felt they had no special help during their first delivery, this connected device can provide really close monitoring.


Roche Diabetes Care is a healthcare company specializing in diabetes. For more than 40 years, pioneering solutions for the needs of patients and healthcare professionals have been: medical devices (blood glucose meters, auto-pickers, insulin pumps), digital solutions (applications, platform for the exchange of blood sugar data between patients and patients) health professionals) and Services (assistance in information and therapeutic training). By implementing a global solution that connects medical devices and digital solutions, Roche Diabetes Care is paving the way for integrated personalized diabetes management (iPDM) with the aim of facilitating and optimizing the management and monitoring of this complex disease.

Alongside Roche SAS France and Roche Diagnostics France, Roche Diabetes Care France is a subsidiary of the Roche Group in France. More information is available at


BIOCORP is known for its expertise in the development and manufacture of medical devices and delivery systems and today, thanks to Mallya, has achieved a leading position in the market for connected medical devices. This intelligent sensor for insulin injection pens enables reliable monitoring of the injected doses and thus offers better compliance in the treatment of patients with diabetes. Mallya will be on sale from 2020 and will lead BIOCORP’s product portfolio with innovative networked solutions. The company has 70 employees. BIOCORP has been listed on Euronext since July 2015 (FR0012788065 – ALCOR). More information is available at

1 The Mallya medical device is compatible with Solostar pens (Ref. 9828648001), FlexPen pens (Ref. 9832360001) and KwikPen pens (Ref. 9827587001), with the exception of Junior KwikPen pens as of January 1, 2021. Calculation of the Market share for single-use insulin pens from Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie. Open the Medic 2019 database.

299% according to Mallya IFU version 6. Attention: Some external factors can affect the accuracy of the dose measurement or data transmission.

3When the patient decides to share their details.

4Source: IQVIA – LTD: Real Life Analysis by BGMin – Markets for Gauges and Strips – CMA February 2020 – Patients and Volumes.

5 Once Bluetooth is activated.

6 Online study by CSA Research for Roche Diabetes Care France from May 18 to 27, 2020 with 504 diabetics (101 type 1 diabetics and 403 type 2 diabetics)