Is Diffusing Important Oils Protected For Children? What An Knowledgeable Says


According to Roseann Capanna-Hodge, Ed.D., LPC, essential oils are generally safe to spread to children of all ages.

In fact, she adds, “Essential oils have medicinal properties so they can be incredibly helpful in calming children’s nerves.” Research also shows that they have the potential to soothe teenagers’ skin as well. Even so, as with using substances around children, caution should be exercised.

First of all, make sure your EO bottles do not get into the hands of your children so they don’t accidentally get into them. Oils are strong and can be dangerous if inhaled or applied directly to the skin.

“Certain essential oils like cinnamon and thyme can irritate the mucous membranes as they diffuse,” adds Capanna-Hodge. To protect this important barrier, you should keep more pungent, tangy smelling oils in your bedroom as opposed to common areas.

If you notice that your child starts coughing or has a runny nose after turning on your diffuser, it is a sign that they may be reacting to the oils. Turn off your machine and move it to another room or smell the oils in the bottle for a personalized EO experience.

To be extra safe, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians has stated that it is best not to distribute oils in children under three months of age.