Jessica Simpson’s latest beauty project is no stranger to the fragrance game and includes the introduction of a new signature fragrance, Fiend – a mix of skin musk, sensual woods and amber with hints of smoked sage, tiger lily and velvet iris – at HSN. As the 40-year-old exclusively told us, the sexy perfume is about conveying a message that is incredibly important to her: to convey and have trust.
What was the first fragrance you ever wore?
Amarige from Givenchy.
What is so special about this particular fragrance?
I use essential oils every day and I find them so powerful. To improve or relax my mental and physical energies, I have added drops of bergamot, sandalwood, sage and gardenia to my day or night bath routine. I find that the right combination of scents can change my mood and create an aura – whether sensual or romantic. I wanted to make this particular fragrance unique and create a gateway to the passion that we all want to unleash in different ways.
The description is about conveying the message of trust. What is trust to you?
To me, trust means understanding myself with compassion and having the strength it takes not to apologize. I believe that when we accept ourselves and appreciate the skin we are in, we can discover trust, true purpose, and inspiration. Once we get to know ourselves there is so much beauty to wear proudly.
You recently said that the past year was “intense”. What do you look forward to most when we go into April?
Although the past year was a challenge for me, it was also worth it because it brought me so many emotional and mental breakthroughs – to lead a life more freely and richly than ever before, without blocking the way, the narrative to successful dreams to create, break away from patterns and expectations that obstruct the purpose. For me, I was intuitively inspired when I had time alone to record and understand myself better. I was able to tap into the creative side that I haven’t shared for far too long. Although my patience has been tested, it has been worth it to persevere and be patient. God’s timing and grace always turn out to be perfect.
It’s personal
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