Man helps longtime good friend with diabetes


MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Bob Winbush is a Memphis concert promoter and wants to help a longtime friend who is having a hard time.

“My friend’s name is Big Wayne, also known as Big Wayne. Leroy Wayne Rhodes. And these boys have owned the car wash at 2575 Lamar there for 30 years. And the name of the car wash is Pressure Works. And the way I met these people, I’m a concert organizer, I’ve been doing concerts for over 30 years. And I’ve brought a lot of concerts and acts to their place, ”Winbush explained.

So the friendship began.

“Big Wayne is diabetic. And he’s been in the hospital for about 30 days and in rehab for 30 days and just dropped out a couple of weeks ago, ”added Winbush.

Wayne’s toes had to be amputated and then part of his leg.

“He’s in pretty bad shape, yes sir,” he said.

Winbush and WREG’s Tim Simpson traveled to Wayne’s home and surprised him with $ 300 from Channel 3 and $ 700 from our anonymous donors.

“Thank you. Thank you Jesus,” Wayne said. “I was down on myself, but God is good. My whole life has changed since I cut my leg, but God is still good.”

Seeing Wayne on the reception side is special because he’s usually in charge of giving.

“We do a lot for the community. Feed the children a little carnival every year, everything is free. Feed the parents, over 800 to 900 children, ”he said.

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