Residing with juvenile diabetes | Well being – Gulf Information


Some of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children can go unnoticed for a period of time
Photo credit: Delivered

What causes type 1 diabetes to develop? Researchers and scientists around the world are working hard to find answers to this question. Genetics may play a small role in why a child will develop type 1 diabetes, but there are many other factors that are still unclear. Dr. Kowshik Gupta, Pediatric Endocrinologist at the GluCare Integrated Diabetes Center in Dubai, says, “We know this is not related to diet or lifestyle. However, with type 2 diabetes, there are numerous risk factors that parents should consider, such as an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, clinical obesity, a positive family history and sometimes ethnicity, as well as a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise or activity. “

Dr. Kowshik Gupta is a pediatric endocrinologist at the GluCare Integrated Diabetes Center.
Photo credit: Delivered

In busy parents with multiple children, sometimes some of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children may go unnoticed for a period of time or may be due to growth or normal childhood activities such as exercise, says Dr. Kowshik Gupta. “Symptoms to look out for include increased thirst, frequent urination, which can sometimes lead to bed-wetting, extreme hunger, fatigue, unexpected or accidental weight loss, mood swings, behavior or irritability, and fruity smelling breath. Parents should see a doctor if they experience any of these symptoms in their children, ”he explains.

For children at risk for type 2, it is important to see your doctor regularly if your child is overweight, does not have any physical activity, and is eating a proper diet of fresh whole foods. Caring for a diabetic child can look like they have an extra full-time job with constant monitoring, making sure they are following their “care plan” which includes monitoring blood sugar levels, insulin shots, strict adherence to diet and medication plans. Two Dubai mothers share their personal travels with us here.

“We have learned to deal with diabetes and not allow ourselves to deal with ourselves.”

Living with diabetes makes you stronger, says Maria Monem, who is seen here with her daughter

Four years ago, when my daughter was only five, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Despite the fact that my husband had lived with this disease himself for over 30 years, it came as a complete shock to us. When the doctor gave us the message, it was as if time had just stopped. My first thought was, how had we not seen the symptoms? We were already experts in this field. How could we possibly not see this coming?

I remember the day she was diagnosed like it was yesterday. She had been sick for over a week and after two visits to the doctor we were sent home with a diagnosis of scarlet fever and a prescription for antibiotics. She should have improved the medication, but instead it got worse. She was in such bad shape that she could hardly stay awake and curled up on the sofa with a stomach ache and a headache. We took her to the emergency room, where she was diagnosed with diabetes after a simple fingerprint test.

A diagnosis of diabetes is a life changing event that affects the whole family. it brought our lives to a standstill at first and the following weeks and months were an emotional roller coaster ride. I had so many questions and worries. I started thinking about how to make dates for playing, staying overnight and what about school trips and vacations? How would the school handle her?

I was determined not to let this disease take over our lives. We wanted to learn how to deal with diabetes and not let diabetes deal with us. Gaining knowledge about the disease, eating a healthy diet, exercise, and getting a good night’s sleep are keys to good diabetes management, as well as using the technology available to people with diabetes such as continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMs), insulin pumps, injection ports, etc. I can now track my daughter’s blood sugar on my phone while she is at school or on dates, and I now feel more secure when she’s on a school trip knowing that I can follow and track her through the CGM app .

Living with chronic illnesses can be both stressful and overwhelming for both the child and the parents and siblings. Trying to work towards healthy living habits as a family and having a good support network around us has helped us.

– – Maria Monem, health and lifestyle coach

“Diabetes never rests”

Roxanne with her daughter Layla, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of four and a half
Photo credit: Delivered

My seven-year-old daughter Layla was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of four and a half in September 2018. After noticing some worrying symptoms – weight loss, personality changes, blurred vision, and constant thirst for water – we took her to the emergency room at our local hospital, where she was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). She stayed there for three nights until her blood sugar was under control and we were sent home with an insulin pen and blood glucose meter and the rest was up to us.

Layla takes several daily insulin injections before each meal or whenever she needs to eat something high in carbohydrates. We are fortunate enough to be able to afford a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) that allows us to get updates on their sugar levels every five minutes and keep track of them remotely on our phones. That way, she can avoid multiple fingerprints throughout the day to check her sugar levels and make sure it’s not too high or too low. Her school has a fantastic nurse who is always a phone call away for emergencies and her teacher is also actively involved in making sure Layla is well during the school day.

Diabetes never rests – it is managed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Blood glucose tests during the night can lead to caregiver burnout and fatigue. It is therefore helpful if another parent / carer works on shifts. As a parent, it is also difficult to see that your child is in pain (daily injections), is afraid (blood tests every 3 months) and is feeling “different” from other children.

Diabetes doesn’t stop them from leading their best life. She plays tennis, rides, plays guitar and takes part in all school activities.

– – Roxanne Francis, physical therapist at Nightingale Health Services