Sort 2 diabetes warning: Gastroparesis slows down digestion inflicting heartburn signs


For a person with type 2 diabetes, you are most likely familiar with possible complications such as kidney disease, vision loss and, in extreme circumstances, even amputation. However, it’s important to note that poorly controlled type 2 diabetes can affect other parts of the body, including your digestive system.

Gastroparesis is also known as delayed gastric emptying and is a digestive tract disorder that causes food to remain in the stomach for an above average period of time.

Gastroparesis occurs because the nerves that move food through the digestive tract are damaged and the muscles are not working properly. As a result, the food sits undigested in the stomach.

Women with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of developing gastroparesis, as are women who have high, uncontrolled blood sugar levels for a long time.

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Long periods of high blood sugar can cause nerve damage throughout the body.

Chronically high blood sugar levels also damage the blood vessels that supply food and oxygen to the body’s nerves and organs, including the vagus nerve and digestive tract, both of which ultimately lead to gastroparesis.

Because gastroparesis is a progressive disease and some of its symptoms like chronic heartburn.

Gastroparesis is a chronic condition and the disorder can feel overwhelming.

The condition poses significant problems for people with diabetes as delays in digestion make it difficult to control blood sugar.

Gastroparesis makes it difficult to follow the digestive process, so glucose levels can fluctuate.

Healthcare professionals recommend speaking to your doctor about any other symptoms you may experience if your glucose readings are irregular.

Nausea is another symptom that is common with gastroparesis.


Controlling blood sugar levels is the most important part of treating diabetic gastroparesis, according to Medical News Today.

The health agency continued, “Most doctors advise a person with diabetic gastroparesis to have their blood sugar checked more often than someone with diabetes who does not have gastroparesis.

“More frequent blood glucose tests can help the patient and their doctor better adapt their treatment.

“In some cases, a person with diabetic gastroparesis may need a feeding tube or intravenous feeding.

“Doctors only recommend this if the person cannot control their blood sugar or the gastroparesis is very severe.”