The Greatest (And Most Stylish) Important Oil Diffusers In Australia


The world is a crazy place at the best of times, but right now it feels crazier than ever. While it can feel hard to relax at the end of a long day (especially if you work from home), the point is to change your surroundings to create a relaxing space.

But how do I hear you ask? While different things work for different people, it is fairly agreed that essential oil diffusers are incredibly calming (the power of aromatherapy is real). Whether you want to relieve stress, focus, or slip into a deep sleep, there is an essential oil for every type of mood lift. While finding the right oils is the easy part, finding the right diffuser is fun.

Since everyone has a different home aesthetic, there are a million different designs. If your furnishing style is a little more reserved, opt for one of the diffusers with a stone look. If you want the diffuser to be an eye-catcher in the room, there are also a number of eye-catching designs and colors.

Below are our favorite essential oil diffusers that are so chic they can also be used as home decor. You’ll breathe your way to better headspace in no time … happy zenning.