Use these important oils to de-stress from the COVID-19 stress


It has been a long time since we lived with COVID, and given the state of our nation and the near and dear people that are getting worse and worse, it is normal to feel depressed, stressed and sad. These times are not easy and it takes a lot of effort to pull ourselves together and believe that things will get better one day. We got in touch with leading aromatherapist Dr. Blossom Kochhar to use aromatherapy to help our readers get through this difficult time.

“You know that stress, sadness, and depression can seriously affect your hormones and lead to illness and mental illness. Having been in aromatherapy for years, I use essential oils to calm myself down during these times. I use these oils on different ways to relax, such as using it in my bath water or applying it to my feet to create a cold feeling, or sprinkling it in my room, on potpourri or in a diffuser, the aroma of these oils and his Properties have a calming effect, “says Dr. Kochhar.

The beauty guru shared a list of oils that you should use during these times:

The best oil for reducing stress is sandalwood oil. You can put it in a diffuser or in your bath water, or use it as a perfume every day and this will surely take the strain off you. That’s why people use sandalwood as a tilak because it instantly cools your mind.

Another oil that helps a lot with stress and depression is jasmine oil. This oil is widely used at weddings and temples as this oil instantly spices you up and relaxes your muscles.

Another that is wonderful for curing anxiety is rose oil. Use this oil in bath water or as a perfume.

The nights have been especially difficult when we lie down in our beds, our thoughts go back to every news we have heard about the suffering people and feel bad. This leads to insomnia and, in some cases, insomnia. To help you sleep, use lavender oil. Sprinkle 2-3 drops of it on your pillow or light a diffuser and put 5-6 drops on it. You can also put 2-3 drops on your palms and solar plexus to help you sleep better.

It is important to take care of the elderly in your home. You must have a torrent of emotions that many cannot even express. To help them with anxiety and depression, use ylang ylang. Apply it on your hair after your bath, you can soak your feet in ylang-ylang water, or you can even use it as a perfume every day.