Will Smith shares new health clip, flaunts leaner torso: Pursuit of Happyness


  • Will Smith took to Instagram and shared a new fitness video while flaunting his much leaner torso along with a montage of snippets from his rigorous fitness sessions. Fans of the actor are very impressed.

By Nishtha Grover, Delhi

PUBLISHED MAY 28, 2021 11:37 AM

Will Smith has received much praise for his acting skills. However, the actor is also known for keeping things real and that’s why he shared an unprocessed picture of himself showing his body carrying him through the pandemic and dropping many jaws on the floor. The actor even went ahead and called it “the worst form of his life”. He also said he was taking command now because he wanted to get in “the best shape of his life”.

And that’s exactly what the actor did. Since then, he’s been sharing snippets from his hardcore workouts that urge his industry colleagues and fans to get some exercise too. Be it running, working out in the gym or dancing, the actor is there and in less than a month his manual labor has paid off. That’s right. The suicide squad actor shared a montage of clips from his rigorous fitness sessions.

The video we’re talking about started with a shirtless Will standing on a pedestal in front of the camera, showing a much leaner torso that is the result of all of his exercises. It then showed small snippets of his workouts and eventually ended up with the same picture of the actor’s body that he posted in early May. He shared the stunning video titled “The Pursuit of Happyness (sic)”.

ALSO READ: Will Smith shares a new picture, admitting he’s in “the worst shape of his life”. Fans say, “Aren’t we all after this pandemic?”

Lots of people went to the comment section and praised the actor for his handiwork. One user wrote: “It’s all about the getback (sic).” Another comment read: “Get Back Gang (sic).” One user also wrote, “I’m sure you’ll be back in shape in a month, lol (sic)” and we think so too, the way the actor worked.

Comments on the video (Instagram / Willsmith)

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