As soon as-Weekly Insulin Icodec Promising for Sort 2 Diabetes – Shopper Well being Information


THURSDAY, April 22, 2021 (HealthDay News) – Insulin icodec administered once a week is effective and well tolerated. This is evident from two Phase 2 studies published online April 19 in Diabetes Care.

Ildiko Lingvay, MD of the University of Texas’ Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, and colleagues randomly assigned 7 to 10 percent to 205 insulin-naive adults with type 2 diabetes and hemoglobin A1c while receiving Icodec titrations once a week with oral glucose-lowering drugs A (self-measured blood sugar target 80 to 130 mg / dl; setting ± 21 units / week), B (80 to 130 mg / dl; ± 28 units / week) or C (70 to 108 mg / dl; ±) 28 units / Week) or once a day insulin glargine U100 (IGlar U100; 80 to 130 mg / dl; ± 4 units / week). The percentage of time in the range (TIR; 70 to 180 mg / dL) during weeks 15 and 16 was measured. The researchers found that TIR improved from baseline through weeks 15 and 16 in all groups. Compared to IGlar U100, the TIR for titration B was greater (estimated treatment difference 7.08 percent).

Harpreet S. Bajaj, MD, MPH, of LMC Diabetes and Endocrinology in Brampton, Ontario, Canada and colleagues conducted a multicenter, open-label study involving eligible people with type 2 diabetes treated with basal insulin who were after randomly icodec with an initial 100 percent loading dose (icodec LD), icodec without loading dose (icodec NLD) or IGlar U100 for 16 weeks. The researchers found that at weeks 15-16, the estimated mean TIR for icodec LD, icodec NLD, and IGlar U100 were 72.9, 66.0, and 65.0 percent, with a significant difference in favor of icodec LD versus IGlar U100 (7.9 percent) existed.

“A weekly insulin is a game changer that reduces the treatment burden on patients while improving compliance,” Lingvay said in a statement.

Several authors from both studies disclosed financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies, including Novo Nordisk, which funded the study.

Summary / full text – Lingvay (subscription or payment required)

Summary / full text – Bajaj (subscription or payment required)