MONDAY, APRIL 5: Italian wedding soup, chicken patties on a wheat Kaiser roll, diced buttered carrots, fresh apple
TUESDAY APRIL 6th: Bisquick broccoli cheese quiche, creamed spinach, wheat bread, tangerines
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th: Skinless sausage on rolls, pierogies, peas, orange juice, birthday cake
THURSDAY APRIL 8: Lasagna rolls with meatballs, boiled vegetables, Italian bread, sliced peaches
FRIDAY APRIL 9: White cheddar macaroni and cheese, steamed tomatoes, wheat rolls, grape juice, cream puffs
Menus can change. The Cayuga County Senior Nutrition Program is delivering meals to the home during the COVID-19 pandemic, but its shared eating program and locations are indefinitely suspended. A donation of US $ 3 per meal is recommended for participants aged 60 and over. For more information, call (315) 253-1550 or