Embrace this powerhouse of diet


The shift in purchasing power and technology may have made our lives easier and faster, but has it made our lives better? Well, not 100% if you ask me. In fact, we are left with overworked resources, tighter schedules, and little to no physical activity. One consequence of this has been an increase in lifestyle diseases. Don’t get me wrong, this is not the only cause of lifestyle diseases. The causes could be in your family history or in genes that you have no control over. Either way, you need to find a solution to cure it. Eating properly is a good place to start.

Here are five of the most common lifestyle diseases in India that can be cured by walnuts. Several research studies have shown that walnuts are a nutritional powerhouse and can help promote overall health. For example, a handful (28 g) of walnuts contains 2.5 g of essential plant-based omega-3, 4 g of protein and 2 g of fiber.

Obesity: That walnuts can increase the risk of obesity is a common myth. Walnuts contain good fats – polyunsaturated and monounsaturated – that are essential to a healthy diet. Thanks to the presence of vegetable omega-3s and essential nutrients, walnuts can also help suppress hunger and keep you full and satisfied for a longer period of time. These amazing appetite control powers continue to play a role in the amount you eat and promote weight management.

Heart diseases: According to the ICMR State-Level Disease Burden Report, the prevalence of heart disease rose by over 50% in the country from 1990 to 2016. And that includes all ages. This disease accounts for nearly 18% of all deaths in the country. Nearly three decades of research shows that including walnuts in your daily diet can reduce your risk of heart disease. The polyunsaturated fats, also known as good fats, and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) in these nutritious nuts can improve cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Diabetes: According to the International Diabetes Federation, 77 million people in India had this lifestyle disease by 2020 and the number is expected to increase with each passing year. Research has shown that the right type of fats, such as those found in walnuts, can prove beneficial in treating diabetes and helping to prevent type 2 diabetes. Crunchy and delicious, these nuts are low on the glycemic index, so they don’t raise blood sugar levels. Obesity is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes. Since walnuts promote weight management, these can also help control this lifestyle disease.

Mental health: Mental health is the foundation of our wellbeing, but there is still a stigma attached to it. The WHO estimates that our country’s exposure to mental health problems is 2,443 Disabled Life Years (DALYs) per 10,000 population. And it’s a sign enough to take steps to improve the situation. Walnuts play a supportive role in the general well-being of the brain. An epidemiological study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging associates walnuts with improved memory, improved focus, and improved information processing. Another article published in Nutrients states that eating walnuts may be associated with less depressive symptoms in adults.

((The author is a nutritionist.)