Maple Lake Health is now open


By Brenda Erdahl

After months without a fitness center in Maple Lake, the Barry family reopened as Maple Lake Fitness in their old Snap Fitness location just off the highway. 55 west of the traffic lights.

The new center will open under the direction of Phoun Phoulavan, an MS, ACSM, TPI certified trainer who has been in the industry for more than 25 years. He’s bringing two coaches who he said were some of the best on the metro – Paul Pribyl and Tom Talcott.

Maple Lake Fitness first opened on Monday, February 1st, after Snap Fitness, owned by Mike Barry, closed its doors last spring. While there will be some governance differences, Phoulavan says the community can rely on many of the great features, including access to the Silver Sneakers program, which is specifically aimed at adults 65 and over and is covered by some Medicare plans.

Members will enjoy the same key fob access to the center between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m., with staff approximately available between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Phoulavan said. Trainers are available upon request for physical fitness tests and other more advanced programs. They also have regular hours during the week. Stop by Maple Lake Fitness and check out the schedules.

To learn more about the new local fitness center, get a copy of the Maple Lake Messenger today!