Tata Harper’s New Superkind Assortment Is Luxurious Pores and skin Care Minus Fragrances & Important Oils


Building a skin care routine around reactive skin is a bit like roulette: you never know which product or technique your skin will like and which will get it all out of control. Sure, there’s logic, but for the most part it’s a difficult process for the home consumer, which is why Tata Harper’s new Superkind collection is such a big deal. The cult favorite brand for clean beauty has developed a three-step vegan skin care product for sensitive and sensitized skin – all without sulfates, fragrances, essential oils and more than 85 common skin irritants.

The Superkind range, officially launched on April 11, includes Softening Cleanser ($ 86), Fortifying Moisturizers ($ 120), and Radiance Mask ($ 65). Aside from the original ingredients that were left out for sensitive skin, every Superkind product is made with common allergies in mind, so you won’t find tree nuts, wheat, gluten or soy in skin care products either.

What do you get from skin care that is so carefully formulated? For one, reactive skin reacts less well. On Tata Harper’s website, the brand shows how important it is, how Superkind supports the skin barrier, and how the skin helps retain good moisture and keep bad stains out.

Courtesy Tata Harper

In other words, this is a skin care regimen that will help keep your skin performing at its best on its own – even if you forget to apply a moisturizer one day or skip your weekly masking. Granted, these are products to look forward to. Even the cleanser is exciting, which is an accomplishment in itself: it’s made from marigold juice, evening primrose oil, and passion fruit seed oil with a gently foaming texture that feels more like a moisturizer the first time than a standard cleanser apply.

But aside from the luxurious textures and Tata Harper packaging – it’s all hallmark green – the best part about the new collection is using it and knowing that sensitive skin is so much less likely to start a fight . Buy the new Superkind collection on tataharperskincare.com or scroll down to browse all three new drops.

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