PPS custodians, vitamin staff rally over pay


Union workers are now negotiating with PPS

by: KOIN 6 News Staff

Posted: Apr 12, 2021 / 9:43 AM PDTUpdated: April 12, 2021 / 9:43 AM PDT

PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – Custodians and food workers gathered outside Grover Cleveland High School in Portland on Monday to draw attention to their current negotiating situation with Portland Public Schools.

Food workers waste a one-time hazard payment of $ 1500 while supervisors ask for adequate union personnel to clean and sanitize buildings.

“We deserve better, we deserve respect from PPS, and if you treat the people who feed your children like this, the people who keep the schools clean for your children, the people who keep the school safe for your children I have no words, ”said Veronica Duczek, a member of the food service.

PPS officials told KOIN 6 News that they are working to recruit 30 more custodians and that workers in that union have received and will receive increases again.