Weight Loss: 7 Low-Carb Lunch Recipes That Carry Collectively Style And Well being


Weight loss is not an overnight effort, but a goal to be worked towards on a daily basis. For those of us who have jumped on the low-carb diet bandwagon, we do so primarily for our weight loss goals. As we work to cut down on carbohydrates, we must be careful to do so in moderation. Eliminate the junk from your diet, but don’t eliminate carbohydrates altogether. That should keep our system in balance. Skipping meals can also hurt rather than help our weight loss goals. If we’re craving a filling lunch, we’re better off. But wait, what should we choose? Here is a list of low-carb and keto-friendly lunch recipes to add to your diet.

Here are 7 low-carb lunch recipes for weight loss:

1. Oat Idli

Choose low-carb oatmeal for a healthy, filling, worry-free lunch. The protein and fiber in oats enrich the body and keep us full for a long time.

(Also Read: Does A Low Carbohydrate Diet Prevent Weight Loss? This Is What The Expert Says)

This idli recipe made with oatmeal is extremely healthy.

2. Keto Fried Rice

Surprised by this recipe? Onions, broccoli, beans, and zucchini are the main vegetables. But we do without white rice and use grated cauliflower instead. The dish tastes as delicious as it gets.

3. Tofu phali

Tofu is a high-protein food that is best for a low-carb diet. Add beans, onions, tomato paste, olive oil, and plenty of Indian spices to refine this dish.

(Also Read: How To Make Low Carbohydrate Paneer Kathi Roll With Besan Ki Roti)


Healthy and tasty tofu can be mixed with beans and onions to refine this dish.

4. Broccoli stew

Nobody can dispute broccoli’s place in a low-carb diet. It’s a powerhouse of protein, fiber, iron, potassium, calcium, and several vitamins. It’s a perfect choice to have as a stew for lunch. Add coconut milk, onions, chillies, and curry leaves to taste.

5. Keto coconut rice

Here, too, we use grated cauliflower instead of rice. The grated coconut adds lots of nutrients and fiber to the plate. Do not be afraid of the two spoonfuls of coconut oil, because it is pure fat and easy to digest.

(Also Read: Keto Veg Momos Recipe: Make Low Carbohydrate Veg Momos And Pamper Your Heart)


Move over white rice and make this low-carb coconut rice from grated cauliflower.

6. Eggplant salad

If we prefer salads, our low carb lunch with this cooked eggplant salad can be the right choice. Garlic, chillies, spring onions, and soy sauce add to the game. Use sesame oil for a subtle taste.

7. Marinated stuffed peppers

Core the peppers and tomatoes. For the filling, toss the mushrooms, cucumber and aubergine. Wash the stuffed peppers with a marinade of vegetable broth, vanilla pudding, garlic, herbs and olive oil. Bake and serve for a delicious and filling lunch.

So try these healthy recipes and enjoy to your heart’s content! It is important to consult a qualified professional or nutritionist before making any major dietary changes. Always eat in moderation and be careful when following a diet plan.