WHO launches Checklist of Precedence Medical Gadgets for administration of cardiovascular ailments and diabetes


The WHO’s list of priority medical devices for the treatment of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, released today, will help policy makers and healthcare providers prioritize the selection and procurement of medical devices for these diseases. It includes more than 500 devices needed at all levels of the healthcare system, from primary care facilities to highly specialized hospitals, and devices needed for health emergencies such as cardiac arrest, stroke, and hypo- or hyperglycemic emergencies.

The new list provides clinical guidelines for specific medical conditions, describes the relevant interventions required (e.g. hospitalization, cardiac surgery, intensive care, laboratory tests and medical imaging) and then lists all necessary medical devices such as surgical instrument sets, personal protective equipment and diagnostic and treatment devices.

The ultimate goal of this new list is to help healthcare providers implement interventions that are essential to the detection and management of heart disease and diabetes across the care continuum, resulting in fewer hospitalizations and deaths, as well as saving valuable health resources.

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) – which include cardiovascular disease and diabetes – account for 74% of the world’s annual deaths and are responsible for killing more than 15 million people between the ages of 30 and 69 prematurely each year. Low- and middle-income countries bear 85% of the burden of these premature deaths, mainly because they lack the testing and monitoring equipment needed to screen, diagnose and treat NCDs.

Along with the list, WHO developed MeDevIS, a medical device information system and clearinghouse where biomedical engineers, policy makers and hospital managers can find more information about specific medical devices, their use and care. The website currently lists 1500 devices and continues to be updated for other diseases and health conditions.

The list released today is part of a series of lists that prioritize devices for high-impact diseases such as cancer and COVID-19. These lists are based on the best available knowledge about the essential medical devices countries need to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases. They should be adapted to national contexts and used to update or develop national lists. Ultimately, the lists are intended to help countries increase the availability and appropriate use of medical devices and promote access to higher quality health services.

The Complete Lists are the global reference for countries to develop or update their national government procurement and reimbursement lists for disease screening, diagnosis and treatment equipment. They also help them ensure value for money and ultimately improve accessibility.

See list: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/341967/9789240027978-eng.pdf

MEDEVIS (evidenceprime.com)